- Digital banking transactions are more in demand than ever
- Users of photo payment are increasingly using other functions
Munich, 17 April 2024. Four of five Austrians carry out their banking transactions via a banking app. At 81.2 percent, they are far ahead of the Germans, of whom only 60 percent* do so, according to a representative study** conducted by YouGov on behalf of Gini, a provider of innovative payment solutions. The vast majority (93.3 percent) are satisfied with their banking app.
Satisfaction also has an impact on Austrians’ potential change of bank. 90.4 percent of those who are very satisfied with their banking app consider it unlikely that they will change their bank in the next 12 months.
At 90.3 percent, 35- to 44-year-olds use a banking app the most, followed by 25- to 34-year-olds at 86.4 percent and 81.9 percent of 45- to 54-year-olds. The figure for the over 55s is 78.2 percent.
Classic functions are frequently used
Respondents most frequently use the classic functions of the banking app at least several times a month:
- Check account balances as well as incoming and outgoing payments: 87.1 percent
- Making bank transfers: 78.1 percent
- View credit card transactions: 39.4 percent
In addition, there are functions in the banking app that are used less frequently than once a month. These include setting up and canceling standing orders (54.3 percent).
Blocking debit and credit cards is used by 23.8 percent and 22.2 percent make transfers, i.e. transfer money within their own accounts.
In addition, banking apps offer many other functions, but not all of them are fully utilized: 5.9 percent of mobile banking users state that they use all available options. Photo payments, in which transfer information such as IBAN and amount are automatically read from invoices and transferred to the transfer screen, are used by 77 percent of mobile banking users. And 24.8 percent of them are aware of this via internal advertising in their banking app.
Users of the photo payment are also increasingly using other functions of the banking app
The study also shows that bank customers who make photo payments also increasingly use other functions that their bank offers them in the app. For example, 29.1 percent of those who also use the photo payment function engage in securities trading. Among all banking app users in general, however, the figure is 22.3 percent. Among those who do not use the photo transfer, the figure is only 13.5 percent.
A similar link also exists for loan applications: 22 percent of photo payment users use the banking app for loan applications compared to 15.8 percent of all app users and only 7.5 percent of those who do not use photo payment.
“Today, a user-friendly banking app with all relevant functions is the basis for successful customer loyalty”, said Alexander Jäger, COO of Gini. “Bank customers expect an uncomplicated solution that covers all their needs. This has a significant impact on their satisfaction with their bank.”
*The data used is based on an online survey conducted by YouGov Deutschland GmbH on behalf of Gini, in which 2091 people took part between 2 and 5 December 2022. The results were weighted and are representative of the German population aged 18 and over.
**The data used is based on an online survey conducted by YouGov Deutschland GmbH, in which 1099 people took part between 6 and 13 February 2024. The results were weighted and are representative of the population in Austria aged 18 and over.