DKB photo payment
Pay any invoice in seconds with the photo payment in your DKB app.

Your DKB-App can do photo payment!
DKB customers who use the mobile banking app benefit from a time-saving and precise transfer solution. The function is now available in the DKB app. Customers of Deutsche Kreditbank can thus pay the invoice amount with the banking app via smartphone photo, QR-pay recognition, or direct sharing of a digital invoice. The cumbersome typing of the corresponding information is no longer necessary.
Photo payment
The DKB (Deutsche Kreditbank) banking app is available for free download for Android in the Google Play Store and iOS in the Apple App Store. Download the app, log in to your customer account, and save time with the number 1 feature of all German banking apps: photo payment.

What is photo payment?
The smart way to pay paper invoices.
Eine Rechnung bezahlen, ohne die Empfängerdaten abtippen zu müssen – die Fotoüberweisung in der DKB App macht es möglich. Egal, ob Rechnungen als Foto, als Scan oder PDF vorliegen: alle Informationen werden gezielt ausgelesen, um die Überweisungsmaske vollautomatisch auszufüllen. Das ist Gini Pays Fotoüberweisung!
Turns wire transfers into a piece of cake.
App reviews
Excites everyone.
Instruction on photo payment
Wiring made simple.
With the DKB app, you can easily snap paper invoices, as well as invoices with QR codes, or upload directly from your media library (PDF, JPG, PNG, or GIF). All you need is a mobile device with the banking app installed. For the photo payment, the camera should have more than 8 megapixels, as well as autofocus and flash.